last updated on December 16, 2023 by Quéau Jean Pierre

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple Ionic7/Angular video player application by implementing the capacitor-video-player plugin to display a list of videos with some data and play a selected video in fullscreen mode.

By using Ionic Capacitor 5, the application will use a single source code for the creation of web browser, PWA and native (iOS, Android) applications.

The application can be found at ionic7-angular-videoplayer-app

Table of Contents

Create New Ionic/Angular Application

  • To create a new Ionic/Angular application, we will use the Ionic CLI. Install it with the following command.
    npm install -g @ionic/cli
  • After installation, create the new Ionic/Angular application with the following command.
    ionic start ionic7-angular-videoplayer-app list --type=angular --capacitor
Select `Standalone Components` as build method when asked.
  • When the new application is successfully created it will show a message to serve an application using ionic serve.

  • Go to the newly created application.

    cd ./ionic7-angular-videoplayer-app
  • Open the application in your favorite code editor

Create a Data Service

  • if a data.service.tsfile exists on the app/services, please update it with the below code. Otherwise create a services folder under the appfolder and create a data.service.ts file with your favorite code editor.

  • Then replace/create the code in data.service.ts.

 import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export interface Video {
  device: string;
  type: string;
  title: string;
  url: string;
  thumb?: string;
  note: string;
  subtitle?: string,
  stlang?: string,

  providedIn: 'root'
export class DataService {
  private videos: Video[] = [
      type: "mp4",
      device: "all",
      url: "",
      note: "By Blender Foundation",
      thumb: "",
      title: "Big Buck Bunny"
      type: "mp4",
      device: "all",
      url: "",
      note: "By Blender Foundation",
      thumb: "",
      title: "Elephant Dream"
      type: "mp4",
      device: "all",
      url: "",
      note: "Blender Animation Studio",
      thumb: "",
      title: "327",
      subtitle: "",
      stlang: "en"
      type: "aws",
      device: "all",
      url: "",
      note: "Custom",
      title: "AWS video test",
      type: "hls",
      device: "all",
      url: "",
      note: "By Blender Foundation",
      title: "Big Buck Bunny",
      type: "mpd",
      device: "android",
      url: "",
      note: "",
      title: "MPD video test",
      type: "ism",
      device: "android",
      url: "",
      note: "",
      title: "ISM video test",
      type: "webm",
      device: "android",
      url: "",
      note: "Blender Foundation",
      title: "ISM video test",

  constructor() { }

  public getVideos(platform: string): Video[] {
    if (platform === 'web') {
      // Filter videos for Web platform (device: 'all')
      return this.videos.filter((video) => video.device === 'all');
    } else if (platform === 'android') {
      // Filter videos for Android platform (device: 'all' or 'android')
      return this.videos.filter((video) => video.device === 'all' || video.device === 'android');
    } else if (platform === 'ios') {
      // Filter videos for iOS platform (device: 'all' or 'ios')
      return this.videos.filter((video) => video.device === 'all' || video.device === 'ios');
    } else {
      return [];
  public getVideo(index:number): Video | null {
    if(index <= this.videos.length) {
      return this.videos[index];
    } else {
      return null;

  • Suppress the message folder and the view-message folder if they exist.

Show the Video List on Home Page

Fetch the Video list from the DataService and render it on the Home page.

  • Open the under the homefolder and replace the code with this.
    <ion-header [translucent]="true">
            Video List
    <ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
        <ion-refresher slot="fixed" (ionRefresh)="refresh($event)">
        <ion-header collapse="condense">
            <ion-title size="large">
                Video List

            <app-videoitem *ngFor="let video of getVideos(); index as i" [video]="video" [index]="i"></app-videoitem>
  • Then open the under the homefolder and replace the code with this.
    import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
    import { Component, inject, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
    import { RefresherCustomEvent, IonHeader, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonContent, IonRefresher, IonRefresherContent, IonList } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
    import { VideoitemComponent } from '../components/videoitem/videoitem.component';
    import { DataService, Video} from '../services/data.service';
    import { Device } from '@capacitor/device';

        selector: 'app-home',
        templateUrl: '',
        styleUrls: [''],
        standalone: true,
        imports: [CommonModule, IonHeader, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonContent, IonRefresher, IonRefresherContent, IonList, VideoitemComponent],
    export class HomePage implements AfterViewInit {
        public platform: string = 'web';
        private data = inject(DataService);

        constructor() {}

        async ngAfterViewInit() {
            const info = await Device.getInfo();
            this.platform = info.platform;
            console.log(`*** in home platform: ${this.platform}`);


        refresh(ev: any) {
            setTimeout(() => {
            (ev as RefresherCustomEvent).detail.complete();
            }, 3000);

        getVideos(): Video[] {

as you saw in the code we need to define a Videoitem component to render a Video element.

Create the Videoitem Component

  • For the creation of the Videoitem component we will use the Ionic CLI.
    ionic generate component components/videoitem 
  • When the Videoitemhas been successfully generated, open the videoitem.component.html file in your favorite code editor and replace the code.
    <ion-avatar slot="start">
        <img [src]="video!.thumb" />
    <div class="div-item">
    <ion-button slot="end" fill="clean" size="large" (click)="play(index!)">
        <ion-icon name="play-circle-outline"></ion-icon>
  • Then open the videoitem.component.scss file and define the css for the div-item class.
    .div-item  {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
  • Now create the code related to this component by opening the videoitem.component.ts file.
    import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
    import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
    import { RouterLink } from '@angular/router';
    import { IonItem, IonLabel, IonIcon, IonAvatar, IonButton, IonNote } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
    import { addIcons } from 'ionicons';
    import { playCircleOutline } from 'ionicons/icons';
    import { Video } from '../../services/data.service';
    import { Router } from '@angular/router';

    selector: 'app-videoitem',
    templateUrl: './videoitem.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./videoitem.component.scss'],
    changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
    standalone: true,
    imports: [CommonModule, RouterLink, IonItem, IonLabel, IonIcon,
                IonAvatar, IonButton, IonNote],
    export class VideoitemComponent implements OnInit {
        @Input() video?: Video;
        @Input() index?: number;
        platform: string = 'web';

        constructor(private route: Router) {
                addIcons({ playCircleOutline });

        ngOnInit() {}

        async play(index: number) {

Serve the Application

To get the platform, we use the Capacitor Device plugin, so we first need to install it.

  • Install @capacitor/device
    npm i --save @capacitor/device
  • Remove the route to the message/:id if it exists in the app.route.ts file.
-   {
-        path: 'message/:id',
-        loadComponent: () =>
-        import('./view-message/').then((m) => m.ViewMessagePage),
-    },
  • Run the app
    npm run start
  • The application will look like has below in the Web browser.

Install the Capacitor Video Player Plugin

  • Install capacitor-video-player plugin using below command :
    npm install --save capacitor-video-player@latest

Create the Viewvideo Page

  • Create the viewvideo page which implements the capacitor-video-player to show a selected video full screen. For this we are using the Ionic CLI.
 ionic generate page pages/viewvideo
  • If the page viewvideo was successfully created, open the and copy the code into it.
    <ion-header [translucent]="true">
            <ion-buttons slot="start">
            <ion-back-button defaultHref="/home"></ion-back-button>

    <ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
        <ion-header collapse="condense">
            <ion-title size="large">viewvideo</ion-title>
        <!-- Mandatory id="fullscreen"  -->
        <div id="fullscreen" slot="fixed">
I draw your attention to the <div id="fullscreen"> tag, which is mandatory for the capacitor video player to work well.
  • Open the copy the following css.
    #fullscreen {
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        right: 0;
        background-color: #000000;
  • Then, open the and replace the code by the following.
    import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, inject } from '@angular/core';
    import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
    import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
    import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
    import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
    import { Device } from '@capacitor/device';
    import { CapacitorVideoPlayer } from 'capacitor-video-player';
    import { DataService, Video} from '../../services/data.service';

        selector: 'app-viewvideo',
        templateUrl: './',
        styleUrls: ['./'],
        standalone: true,
        imports: [IonicModule, CommonModule, FormsModule]
    export class ViewvideoPage implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
        private data = inject(DataService);
        private videoIndex: number = 0;
        private videoPlayer: any;
        private platform: string = 'web';
        private video: Video | null = {} as Video;

        private handlerPlay: any;
        private handlerPause: any;
        private handlerEnded: any;
        private handlerReady: any;
        private handlerExit: any;

        constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
            private navRoute: Router) { }

        // Component Lifecycle hook methods *

        ngOnInit() {
            // Subscribe to the params observable to read the id parameter
            this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
            // Extract the 'id' parameter from the route
            this.videoIndex = +params['id'];

        async ngAfterViewInit() {
            // Get the selected video

            // Define the platform and the video player
            const info = await Device.getInfo();
            this.platform = info.platform;
            this.videoPlayer = CapacitorVideoPlayer;

            // add plugin listeners
            await this.addListenersToPlayerPlugin();
            const props: any = {};

            // Initialize the video player
            if (!.url != null) {
            props.mode = "fullscreen";
            props.url =!.url;
            props.playerId = 'fullscreen';
            props.componentTag = 'app-viewvideo';
            if(!.subtitle != null) props.subtitle =!.subtitle;
            if(!.stlang != null) props.stlang =!.stlang;
            const res: any = await this.videoPlayer.initPlayer(props);


        async ngOnDestroy(): Promise<void> {
            // Remove the plugin listeners
            await this.handlerPlay.remove();
            await this.handlerPause.remove();
            await this.handlerEnded.remove();
            await this.handlerReady.remove();
            await this.handlerExit.remove();
            await this.videoPlayer.stopAllPlayers();

        // *******************
        // Private Functions *
        // *******************

        // Define the plugin listeners
        private async addListenersToPlayerPlugin(): Promise<void> {
            this.handlerPlay = await this.videoPlayer.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay',
            (data: any) => {
                const fromPlayerId = data.fromPlayerId;
                const currentTime = data.currentTime;
                console.log(`<<<< onPlay in ViewerVideo ${fromPlayerId} ct: ${currentTime}`);
            }, false);
            this.handlerPause = await this.videoPlayer.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPause',
            (data: any) => {
                const fromPlayerId = data.fromPlayerId;
                const currentTime = data.currentTime;
                console.log(`<<<< onPause in ViewerVideo ${fromPlayerId} ct: ${currentTime}`);
            }, false);
            this.handlerEnded = await this.videoPlayer.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded',
            (data: any) => {
                const fromPlayerId = data.fromPlayerId;
                const currentTime = data.currentTime;
                console.log(`<<<< onEnded in ViewerVideo ${fromPlayerId} ct: ${currentTime}`);
            }, false);
            this.handlerExit = await this.videoPlayer.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerExit',
            (data: any) => {
                const dismiss = data.dismiss ;
                console.log(`<<<< onExit in ViewerVideo ${dismiss}`);
            }, false);
            this.handlerReady = await this.videoPlayer.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerReady',
            (data: any) => {
                const fromPlayerId = data.fromPlayerId;
                const currentTime = data.currentTime;
                console.log(`<<<< onReady in ViewerVideo ${fromPlayerId} ct: ${currentTime}`);
            }, false);

        // Action when the player ended or exit
        private playerLeave() {
  • Finally, open the app.routes.ts file and update the path.
    path: 'viewvideo'


    path: 'viewvideo/:id'

In this viewvideo page, we saw how to

  • Initialize the capcitor-video-player with the initPlayer API method which has some options as arguments. We have used only few of them.

    • The complete list of options is given below.
            * Player mode
            *  - "fullscreen"
            *  - "embedded" (Web only)
            mode?: string;
            * The url of the video to play
            url?: string;
            * The url of subtitle associated with the video
            subtitle?: string;
            * The language of subtitle
            * see
            language?: string;
            * SubTitle Options
            subtitleOptions?: SubTitleOptions;
            * Id of DIV Element parent of the player
            playerId?: string;
            * Initial playing rate
            rate?: number;
            * Exit on VideoEnd (iOS, Android)
            * default: true
            exitOnEnd?: boolean;
            * Loop on VideoEnd when exitOnEnd false (iOS, Android)
            * default: false
            loopOnEnd?: boolean;
            * Picture in Picture Enable (iOS, Android)
            * default: true
            pipEnabled?: boolean;
            * Background Mode Enable (iOS, Android)
            * default: true
            bkmodeEnabled?: boolean;
            * Show Controls Enable (iOS, Android)
            * default: true
            showControls?: boolean;
            * Display Mode ["portrait", "landscape"] (iOS, Android)
            * default: "portrait"
            displayMode?: string;
            * Component Tag or DOM Element Tag (React app)
            componentTag?: string;
            * Player Width (mode "embedded" only)
            width?: number;
            * Player height (mode "embedded" only)
            height?: number;
            * Headers for the request (iOS, Android)
            * by Manuel García Marín (
            headers?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            * Title shown in the player (Android)
            * by Manuel García Marín (
            title?: string;
            * Subtitle shown below the title in the player (Android)
            * by Manuel García Marín (
            smallTitle?: string;
            * ExoPlayer Progress Bar and Spinner color (Android)
            * by Manuel García Marín (
            * Must be a valid hex color code
            * default: #FFFFFF
            accentColor?: string;
            * Chromecast enable/disable (Android)
            * by Manuel García Marín (
            * default: true
            chromecast?: boolean;
            * Artwork url to be shown in Chromecast player
            * by Manuel García Marín (
            * default: ""
            artwork?: string;
  • Set the Capacitor Video Player plugin events.

    • jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay : Emitted when the video starts to play
    • jeepCapVideoPlayerPause: Emitted when the video is paused
    • jeepCapVideoPlayerReady: Emitted when the video is ready to play
    • jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded: Emitted when the video has ended
    • jeepCapVideoPlayerExit: Emitted when the exit player button is pressed
  • Use the jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded and jeepCapVideoPlayerExit events to leave the viewvideo page and root back to the home page.

Capacitor Video Player API methods

  • Below find the list of the API methods.

    • initPlayer(options) Initialize a video player
    • isPlaying(options) Give the video player’s status
    • play(options) Start playing a video
    • pause(options) Pause the video
    • getDuration() Get the video’s duration
    • getCurrentTime(options) Get the video’s current time
    • setCurrentTime(options) Set the current time to seek
    • getVolume(options) Get the video’s volume
    • setVolume(options) Set the video’s volume
    • getMuted(options) Get the video’s muted
    • setMuted(options) Set the video’s muted
    • setRate() Set the video’s rate
    • getRate(options) Get the video’s rate
    • stopAllPlayers() Stop all players playing
    • showController() Show controller
    • isControllerIsFullyVisible() Give the controller’s status
    • exitPlayer() Exit the player

Run the Web Application

  • Run the app
    npm run start
  • The application will look like has below in the Web browser.

Prepare for Native Applications

  • Install @capacitor/ios and @capacitor/android.
    npm install @capacitor/ios @capacitor/android
  • Edit appId in the capacitor.config.ts with YOUR_APP_ID.

  • Edit appName in the capacitor.config.ts with YOUR_APP_NAME.

  • Create a production build.

    npm run build --prod
  • Add iOS platform.
    npx cap add ios
  • Add Android platform.
    npx cap add android
  • Copy the Ionic build to iOS and Android platforms.
    npx cap copy

Run the iOS Application

    npx cap open ios
  • For Picture-in-Picture enabling in Xcode go to App-Signing Capabilities-Background Modes and click on `Audio, Airplay, and Picture in Picture.

  • The application will look like has below in the iOS Device.

Run the Android Application

    npx cap open android
  • In AndroidStudio got to Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment->Build Tools->Gradle
    • modify Gradle JDK to 17 Oracle OpenJDK version 17.0.7.
    • click on Applyand OK.
  • Add these lines in the AndroidManifest.xml file

then, add these lines for Picture-in-Picture enabling somewhere in the <activity ...>



     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="32"/>
  • Add this dependency in the build.gradle(Project: android) file under dependencies
    classpath ''
  • Add this implementation in the build.gradle(Module: app)file under dependencies
     implementation ''
  • In variables.gradle file modify
 coreSplashScreenVersion = '1.0.1'
  • Go to File->Sync Project with Gradle files.

  • Build and run the application

  • The application will look like has below in the AndroidDevice.

How to Play Local Videos in Android and iOS

In this added part of the tutorial, you will learned, how to download a video to a local devices’s directory and define the url of this video to be played by the video player.

This will required to update data.service.ts to fetch the video, write it to the device and define the local uri of the video.

First, install the @capacitor-community/filesystem.

npm i @capacitor-community/filesystem

In your favorite Editor, open the file and update it accordingly

  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
  import { Filesystem, Directory, StatOptions } from '@capacitor/filesystem';
  import { Capacitor } from '@capacitor/core';

  export interface Video {
    id: number;
    device: string;
    type: string;
    title: string;
    url: string;
    thumb?: string;
    note: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    stlang?: string;

    providedIn: 'root'
  export class DataService {
    private videos: Video[] = [
        id: 1,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "all",
        url: "",
        note: "Breno Polanski",
        title: "Test MP4 with Subtitle",
        subtitle: "",
        stlang: "es"
        id: 2,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "all",
        url: "",
        note: "By Blender Foundation",
        thumb: "",
        title: "Big Buck Bunny"
        id: 3,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "all",
        url: "",
        note: "By Blender Foundation",
        thumb: "",
        title: "Elephant Dream"
        id: 4,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "all",
        url: "",
        note: "Blender Animation Studio",
        thumb: "",
        title: "327",
        subtitle: "",
        stlang: "en"
        id: 5,
        type: "aws",
        device: "all",
        url: "",
        note: "Custom",
        title: "AWS video test",
        id: 6,
        type: "hls",
        device: "all",
        url: "",
        note: "By Blender Foundation",
        title: "Big Buck Bunny",
        id: 7,
        type: "mpd",
        device: "android",
        url: "",
        note: "",
        title: "MPD video test",
        id: 8,
        type: "webm",
        device: "android",
        url: "",
        note: "Blender Foundation",
        thumb: "",
        title: "Webm video test",
        id: 9,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "android",
        url: "public/assets/video/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video from Assets directory",
        id: 10,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "android",
        url: "file:///storage/emulated/0/Documents/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on Documents directory",
        id: 11,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "android",
        url: "file:///sdcard/Download/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on sdcard Download directory",
        id: 12,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "android",
        url: "file:///sdcard/DCIM/Camera/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on sdcard DCIM directory",
        id: 13,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "android",
        url: "file:///sdcard/Documents/KSSV/documents/1/videos/2-12-2023-101222.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on sdcard issue#142 directory",
        id: 14,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "ios",
        url: "public/assets/video/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video from Assets directory",
        id: 15,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "ios",
        url: "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/22A433FD-D82D-4989-8BE6-9FC49DEA20BB/Documents/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on App's Documents directory",
        id: 16,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "ios",
        url: "file:///var/mobile/Documents/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on Documents directory",
        id: 17,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "ios",
        url: "file:///var/mobile/Downloads/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on Download directory",
        id: 18,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "ios",
        url: "file:///var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/Bike720.mp4",
        note: "",
        title: "Video on Media/DCIM directory",
        id: 19,
        type: "mp4",
        device: "all",
        url: "",
        note: "Test Bike720",
        title: "Video from ",


    constructor() {

    public getVideos(platform: string): Video[] {
      if (platform === 'web') {
        // Filter videos for Web platform (device: 'all')
        return this.videos.filter((video) => video.device === 'all');
      } else if (platform === 'android') {
        // Filter videos for Android platform (device: 'all' or 'android')
        return this.videos.filter((video) => video.device === 'all' || video.device === 'android');
      } else if (platform === 'ios') {
        // Filter videos for iOS platform (device: 'all' or 'ios')
        return this.videos.filter((video) => video.device === 'all' || video.device === 'ios');
      } else {
        return [];
    public getVideoById(id: number): Video | undefined {
      return this.videos.find(video => === id);
    private async createDeviceVideo(): Promise<void> {
      const platform = Capacitor.getPlatform();
      if (['ios', 'android'].includes(platform)) {
        // file Bike720.mp4
        const urlBike = "";

        const uri = await this.fetchingVideoToDevice(urlBike, Directory.Documents);
        console.log(`###### uri : ${uri} ######`)
        if(uri !== undefined) {
          await this.copyVideoToOthersDirectories(uri,platform);
        // test with a given path
        const vUri = await this.fetchingVideoToDevice(urlBike, Directory.Documents,"KSSV/documents/1/videos/2-12-2023-101222.mp4" );
        console.log(`###### vUri : ${vUri} ######`)


    public async fetchingVideoToDevice(url:string, directory: Directory, path: string = ""): Promise<string | undefined> {
      const urlName = path.length === 0 ? this.getFileName(url)! : path;
      const isVideoExists = await this.isFileExists(urlName, directory);
      if(!isVideoExists) {
        let response = await fetch(url);
        let dbBlob = await response.blob();
        let vBase64 = await this.getBlobAsBase64(dbBlob);
        await Filesystem.writeFile({ data: vBase64, path: urlName, recursive: true, directory: directory });
        return (await Filesystem.getUri({
          path: urlName,
          directory: Directory.Documents

      } else {
        return (await Filesystem.getUri({
          path: urlName,
          directory: Directory.Documents

    private getBlobAsBase64(blob: Blob): Promise<string> {
      return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
        let reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = (event: any) => {

    private async copyVideoToOthersDirectories(uri: string,platform: string): Promise<void> {
      // Copy a video to others local device's directory

      const uriName = this.getFileName(uri);
      let toPathDocum: string = "";
      let toPathDownl: string = "";
      let toPathDCIM: string = "";
      if (platform === 'ios') {
        const containersIndex = uri.indexOf('Containers');
        const folderPath = containersIndex !== -1 ? uri.substring(0, containersIndex) : uri;
        toPathDocum = `${folderPath}Documents/${uriName!}`;
        toPathDownl = `${folderPath}Downloads/${uriName!}`;
        toPathDCIM = `${folderPath}Media/DCIM/100APPLE/${uriName!}`;
      } else if (platform === 'android') {
        const parentPathIndex = uri.indexOf('Documents');
        const parentPath = parentPathIndex !== -1 ? uri.substring(0, parentPathIndex) : uri;
        toPathDownl = `${parentPath}Download/${uriName!}`;
        toPathDCIM = `${parentPath}DCIM/Camera/${uriName!}`;

      if(toPathDocum.length > 0 && !(await this.isFileExists(toPathDocum))) {
        const rc1 = await Filesystem.copy ({
          from: uri,
          to: toPathDocum
      if(toPathDownl.length > 0 && !(await this.isFileExists(toPathDownl))) {
        const rc2 = await Filesystem.copy ({
          from: uri,
          to: toPathDownl
      if(toPathDCIM.length > 0 && !(await this.isFileExists(toPathDCIM))) {
        const rc3 = await Filesystem.copy ({
          from: uri,
          to: toPathDCIM

    private async isFileExists(path: string, directory?: Directory): Promise<boolean> {

      try {
        const options: StatOptions = {} as StatOptions;
        options.path = path;
        const dir = directory ? directory : "";
        if (dir.length > 0) = directory;
        const info = await Filesystem.stat(options);
        console.log(`&&&&& info: ${JSON.stringify(info)} &&&&&`)
        return true;
      } catch (error) {
        return false;
    private getFileName(url: string) : string | undefined{
      const urlObject = new URL(url);
      return urlObject.pathname.split('/').pop();

In this Typescript version,

  • an id parameter was added to the video interface and then the video list was updated accordingly. This will imply a modification the videoitem component.

  • a call to a createDeviceVideo method to create the local video in the constructor

  • in this createDeviceVideo method, the video Bike720.mp4 is fetch from the and written to a local device’s directory and then copy to several local device’s directories for demonstrating the local uri which may be used.

  • example of local uri for :

    • Android : “file:///storage/emulated/0/Documents/Bike720.mp4”,
    • iOS: “file:///var/mobile/Documents/Bike720.mp4”.

Now modify the videoitem component

  • open the videoitem.component.html file and replace the code with:

      <ion-avatar slot="start">
        <img [src]="video!.thumb" />
      <div class="div-item">
      <ion-button slot="end" fill="clean" size="large" (click)="play()">
        <ion-icon name="play-circle-outline"></ion-icon>
  • open the videoitem.component.ts and update it as:

      import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
      import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
      import { RouterLink } from '@angular/router';
      import { IonItem, IonLabel, IonIcon, IonAvatar, IonButton, IonNote } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
      import { addIcons } from 'ionicons';
      import { playCircleOutline } from 'ionicons/icons';
      import { Video } from '../../services/data.service';
      import { Router } from '@angular/router';
        selector: 'app-videoitem',
        templateUrl: './videoitem.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['./videoitem.component.scss'],
        changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
        standalone: true,
        imports: [CommonModule, RouterLink, IonItem, IonLabel, IonIcon,
                  IonAvatar, IonButton, IonNote],
      export class VideoitemComponent implements OnInit {
        @Input() video?: Video;
        constructor(private route: Router) {
              addIcons({ playCircleOutline });
        ngOnInit() {
          if (!!.hasOwnProperty('thumb')) {
  !.thumb = '';
          console.log(`***** in ngOnInit id: ${!.id} video title: ${!.title}`)
        async play() {
          console.log(`***** id: ${!.id}, video title: ${!.title}`)

Then open the and replace =;

by =;

Rebuild the code.


We have completed the Ionic 7 VideoPlayer App Example Tutorial using Angular framework and the capacitor-video-player plugin.

We learned how to implement the capacitor-video-player plugin in the Angular Framework using Ionic UI component toolkit, and Ionic Capacitor which add native functionality.

We learned how to play local device’s videos.

Enjoy your development from there.

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Vant Nuxt Capacitor Video Player Example Tutorial using Nuxt, Vant and the capacitor-video-player plugin
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Quasar SQLite Database CRUD App Example Tutorial using @capacitor-community/sqlite