Vant Nuxt Capacitor Video Player Example Tutorial using Nuxt, Vant and the capacitor-video-player plugin
last updated on November 6, 2023 by Quéau Jean Pierre
In that tutorial we will learned how to create a Vant Nuxt application and implement the capacitor-video-player plugin to play video.
The application can be found at vant-nuxt-videoplayer
Table of Contents
- Install New Nuxt Application
- Change the name of the application
- Install Vant
- Install Capacitor
- Modify app.vue
- Create Page Index and About
- Create Custom PageHeader Component
- Install capacitor-video-player plugin
- Create Video Utilities
- Create Composables
- Create FullscreenVideoPlayer Component
- Create Viewer Video Page
- Reference the VideoViewer Page in Index Page
- Run the Application in the Web Browser -Run the Application in iOS Device -Run the Application in Android Device -Conclusion
Install New Nuxt Application
- Run the below command.
npx nuxi@latest init vant-nuxt-videoplayer-app
and select which package manager you would like to use. Below we assume that npm
has been selected. If you have selected pnpm
or yarn
or bun
, please adapt the following given commands.
Change the name of the application
- Open the
file and change the name.
"name": "vant-nuxt-videoplayer-app"
- Open the
file and change the name.
"name": "vant-nuxt-videoplayer-app",
"lockfileVersion": 3,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "vant-nuxt-videoplayer-app",
Install Vant
- Run the following command.
npm i --save-dev vant @vant/nuxt
- open
file in your favorite file editor and modify it as shown.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
devtools: { enabled: true },
modules: ['@vant/nuxt'],
Install Capacitor
- Run the following commands.
npm i @capacitor/core
npm i -D @capacitor/cli
- Initialize your Capacitor config
npx cap init
and answer to the following questions.
? Web asset directory > dist
- Edit the
file to look like this.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
head: {
title: 'Vant Nuxt VideoPlayer App',
meta: [
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'viewport-fit=cover, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no'},
{ name: 'format-detection', content: 'telephone=no' },
{ name: 'msapplication-tap-highlight', content:'no'},
{ name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable', content:'yes' },
{ name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-title', content:'Vant Nuxt VideoPlayer App' },
{ name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style', content:'black'},
devtools: { enabled: true },
modules: ['@vant/nuxt'],
Modify app.vue
- open the file
and replace the code by:
<NuxtPage />
Create Page Index and About
Create the
directory at the root of your project. -
Create the
file under the pages directory and copy below.
<div id="home-page">
<div id="home-header">
<h2>Home Page</h2>
<div id="home-container">
<van-grid :border="false" :column-num="1">
<NuxtLink to="/about" class="n-link-base">
<script setup lang="ts">
alias:["/home", "/"]
<style scoped>
#home-page {
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
display: flex;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
#home-header {
width: 100%;
top: 40px;
#home-container {
position: absolute;
top: 96px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
- Create the
file under the pages directory and copy below.
<div id="about-page">
<PageHeader :title="pageTitle"></PageHeader>
<div id="about-container">
<p class="about-content-p">This is an example of how to use Capacitor Video Player plugin</p>
<script lang="ts">
export default defineNuxtComponent({
name: "about",
alias: "/about",
setup() {
const pageTitle = "About Page";
return {pageTitle}
<style scoped>
#about-page {
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
display: flex;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
#about-container {
position: absolute;
top: 96px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
.about-content-p {
padding: 2%;
As you can see in the about page, a custom PageHeader
component is used.
Create Custom PageHeader Component
Create the
directory at the root of your project. -
Create the
file which contains our custom page header that will be used throughout the application.
<div class="page-header">
<NuxtLink to="/" class="page-header-link">
<script lang="ts">
export default defineNuxtComponent({
name: 'PageHeader',
props: ['title'],
setup(props) {
const title = props.title;
return {title}
<style scoped>
.page-header {
width: 100%;
top: 40px;
flex-direction: row;
z-index: 1;
.page-header-link {
padding-left: 1%;
padding-right: 1%;
margin-top: 28px;
.page-header h2 {
padding-left: 4%;
padding-right: 1%;
- Now you can run the app and you must be able to navigate from the Home page to the About page and back to the Home page. Run the following command.
npm run dev
Install capacitor-video-player plugin
- Execute the following command.
npm i --save capacitor-video-player
Create Video Utilities
Create the
directory at the root of your project. -
Create the
file under the interfaces directory which will contain the video model.
export interface SubtitleOptions {
backgroundColor?: string,
fontSize?: number,
foregroundColor?: string
export interface VideoModel {
device: string,
title?: string,
description?: string,
url: string,
type: string,
gif?: string,
published_at: string,
subtitle_url?: string,
subtitle_langage?: string,
subtitle_options?: SubtitleOptions
Create the
directory at the root of your project and the json subdirectory. -
Create the
file under the json directory and fill in as follows.
"videoList" : [
"title": "MIB2",
"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Facilis recusandae ex eaque recusandae non voluptas veniam nam enim modi.",
"url": "",
"subtitle_url": "",
"subtitle_langage": "es",
"type": "mp4",
"published_at": "July 4 2020 12:30",
"device": "all"
"title": "Big Buck Bunny",
"description": "Eos rerum quia ex repellendus asperiores sit sunt aperiam sed amet adipisci nam dignissimos consectetur qui voluptatem voluptas.",
"url": "",
"type": "m3u8",
"published_at": "December 3 2021 17:50",
"device": "all"
Create the
directory at the root of your project. -
Create the
file under the services directory and edit it as follows.
import videoList from '@/assets/json/videolist.json';
import type { VideoModel } from '@/interfaces/interfaces';
import type { Ref } from 'vue';
export default class VideoService {
videoList: VideoModel[] = videoList.videoList;
public async get(contentId: Ref<string | string[]>): Promise<any>{
const index = Number(contentId.value);
if(index <= this.videoList.length) {
return Promise.resolve({content: this.videoList[index]});
} else {
return Promise.resolve({});
Create Composables
Create the
directory at the root of your project. -
Create the
file under the composables directory which will contain a state hook.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
export function useMyState(initialState: any): any {
const state = ref(initialState);
const setState = (newState: any) => {
state.value = newState;
return [readonly(state), setState];
- Create the
file under the composables directory which will contain the video player hook using the capacitor-video-player.
import { CapacitorVideoPlayer } from 'capacitor-video-player';
import { Capacitor } from '@capacitor/core';
export interface VideoPlayerOuput {
result?: boolean;
method?: string;
value?: any;
message?: string;
interface PlayerData {
mode: string,
url: string,
playerId: string,
componentTag: string,
subtitle?: string | null,
language?: string | null,
subtitleOptions?: any | null,
rate?: number | null,
exitOnEnd?: boolean | null,
loopOnEnd?: boolean | null,
pipEnabled?: boolean | null,
bkmodeEnabled?: boolean | null,
showControls?: boolean | null,
displayMode?: string | null,
width?: number | null,
height?: number | null
export interface VideoPlayerHook {
echo: (value: string) => Promise<{value: string}>;
initPlayer: (mode: string, url: string, playerId: string,
componenTag: string, subTitleUrl?: string,
subTitleLangage?: string, subTitleOptions?: any,
rate?: number, exitOnEnd?: boolean, loopOnEnd?: boolean,
pipEnabled?: boolean, bkmodeEnabled?: boolean,
showControls?: boolean, displayMode?: string,
width?:number, height?:number) =>
isPlaying: (playerId: string) => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
pause: (playerId: string) => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
play: (playerId: string) => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
getDuration: (playerId: string) => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
setVolume: (playerId: string, volume: number) =>
getVolume: (playerId: string) => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
setMuted: (playerId: string, muted: boolean) =>
getMuted: (playerId: string) => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
setCurrentTime: (playerId: string, seektime: number) =>
getCurrentTime: (playerId: string) => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
stopAllPlayers: () => Promise<VideoPlayerOuput>;
removeListeners: () => Promise<void>;
getPlatform: () => Promise<{platform: string}>;
export function useVideoPlayer(emit: (event: "onPlay" | "onPause" | "onEnded" | "onExit" | "onReady", ...args: any[]) => void): VideoPlayerHook {
const platform = Capacitor.getPlatform();
const vpPlugin: any = CapacitorVideoPlayer;
let playListener: any;
let pauseListener: any;
let endedListener: any;
let exitListener: any;
let readyListener: any;
* Add Listeners
const addListeners = async (): Promise<void> => {
playListener = await vpPlugin.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay',
(e: any) => {
const fromPlayerId = e.fromPlayerId;
const currentTime = e.currentTime
emit('onPlay', {fromPlayerId, currentTime})
}, false);
pauseListener = await vpPlugin.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPause',
(e: any) => {
const fromPlayerId = e.fromPlayerId;
const currentTime = e.currentTime
emit('onPause', {fromPlayerId, currentTime})
}, false);
endedListener = await vpPlugin.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded',
(e: any) => {
const fromPlayerId = e.fromPlayerId;
const currentTime = e.currentTime
emit('onEnded', {fromPlayerId, currentTime})
}, false);
exitListener = await vpPlugin.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerExit',
(e: any) => {
const dismiss = e.dismiss;
emit('onExit', {dismiss})
readyListener = await vpPlugin.addListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerReady',
(e: any) => {
const fromPlayerId = e.fromPlayerId;
const currentTime = e.currentTime
emit('onReady', {fromPlayerId, currentTime})
}, false);
* Remove Listeners
const removeListeners = async (): Promise<void> => {
await playListener.remove();
await pauseListener.remove();
await endedListener.remove();
await exitListener.remove();
await readyListener.remove();
* Echo value
* @param value
const echo = async (value: string): Promise<{value: string}> => {
const ret = {value: ""};
if(value) {
const r = await vpPlugin.echo(value);
if(r) {
return r;
return ret;
} else {
ret.value = "Echo: failed";
return ret;
* Get Platform
const getPlatform = async (): Promise<any> => {
return {platform: platform};
* Method initPlayer
* Init the player
* @param mode
* @param url
* @param playerId
* @param componentTag
* @param subTitleUrl
* @param subTitleLanguage
* @param subTitleOptions
* @param width
* @param height
* @returns
const initPlayer = async (mode: string, url : string,
playerId: string, componentTag: string,
subTitleUrl?: string , subTitleLanguage?: string, subTitleOptions?: any,
rate?: number, exitOnEnd?: boolean, loopOnEnd?: boolean,
pipEnabled?: boolean, bkmodeEnabled?: boolean,
showControls?: boolean, displayMode?: string) => {
const playerData: PlayerData = {mode: mode, url: url,
playerId: playerId, componentTag: componentTag}
playerData.subtitle = subTitleUrl != null ? subTitleUrl : null;
playerData.language = subTitleLanguage != null ? subTitleLanguage : null;
if(subTitleOptions != null) {
playerData.subtitleOptions = {};
if(subTitleOptions.backgroundColor != null)
playerData.subtitleOptions.backgroundColor = subTitleOptions.backgroundColor;
if(subTitleOptions.fontSize != null)
playerData.subtitleOptions.fontSize = subTitleOptions.fontSize;
if(subTitleOptions.foregroundColor != null)
playerData.subtitleOptions.foregroundColor = subTitleOptions.foregroundColor;
} else {
playerData.subtitleOptions = null;
playerData.rate = rate != null ? rate : 1;
playerData.exitOnEnd = exitOnEnd != null ? exitOnEnd : true;
playerData.loopOnEnd = loopOnEnd != null ? loopOnEnd : false;
playerData.pipEnabled = pipEnabled != null ? pipEnabled : true;
playerData.bkmodeEnabled = bkmodeEnabled != null ? bkmodeEnabled : true;
playerData.displayMode = displayMode != null ? displayMode : 'portrait';
const r = await vpPlugin.initPlayer(playerData);
if (r) {
if( typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return {result: false, method: "initPlayer",
message: "initPlayer failed"};
* Method isPlaying
* @param playerId string
const isPlaying = async (playerId: string) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.isPlaying({ playerId:playerId });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "isPlaying",
message: "isPlaying failed" };
* Method pause
* pause the videoplayer
* @param playerId string
const pause = async (playerId: string) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.pause({ playerId: playerId });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "pause",
message: "pause failed" };
* Method play
* play the videoplayer
* @param playerId string
const play = async (playerId: string) => {
const r = await{ playerId: playerId });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "play",
message: "play failed" };
* Method getDuration
* get the video duration
* @param playerId string
const getDuration = async (playerId: string) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.getDuration({
playerId: playerId });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "getDuration",
message: "getDuration failed" };
* Method setVolume
* set the video volume
* @param playerId string
* @param volume number
const setVolume = async (playerId: string,
volume: number) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.setVolume({ playerId: playerId,
volume: volume });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "setVolume",
message: "setVolume failed" };
* Method getVolume
* get the video volume
* @param playerId string
const getVolume = async (playerId: string) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.getVolume({
playerId: playerId });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "getVolume",
message: "getVolume failed" };
* Method setMuted
* set the video muted parameter
* @param playerId string
* @param muted boolean
const setMuted = async (playerId: string,
muted: boolean) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.setMuted({
playerId: playerId, muted: muted });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "setMuted",
message: "setMuted failed" };
* Method getMuted
* get the video muted parameter
* @param playerId string
const getMuted = async (playerId: string) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.getMuted({ playerId: playerId });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "getMuted",
message: "getMuted failed" };
* Method setCurrentTime
* set the video current time
* @param playerId string
* @param seektime number
const setCurrentTime = async (playerId: string,
seektime: number) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.setCurrentTime({
playerId: playerId, seektime: seektime });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "setCurrentTime",
message: "setCurrentTime failed" };
* Method getCurrentTime
* get the video current time
* @param playerId string
const getCurrentTime = async (playerId: string) => {
const r = await vpPlugin.getCurrentTime({
playerId: playerId });
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "getCurrentTime",
message: "getCurrentTime failed" };
* Method stopAllPlayers
* stop all players
const stopAllPlayers = async () => {
const r = await vpPlugin.stopAllPlayers();
if (r) {
if (typeof r.result != 'undefined') {
return r;
return { result: false, method: "stopAllPlayers",
message: "stopAllPlayers failed" };
// Add Listeners
return { echo, initPlayer, isPlaying, play, pause, getDuration,
setVolume, getVolume, setMuted, getMuted, setCurrentTime,
getCurrentTime, stopAllPlayers, removeListeners, getPlatform };
Create FullscreenVideoPlayer Component
This component will play the video by using the video player hook.
In the components
directory, create the FullscreenVideoPlayer.vue
file and copy the following.
<div id="fullscreen">
<script lang="ts">
export default defineNuxtComponent({
name: 'FullscreenVideoPlayer',
props: ['videoData'],
emits: ['onPlay','onPause','onEnded', 'onExit','onReady'],
setup(props, { emit }) {
let ret: any = {};
let params: any[] = [];
const vpHook: VideoPlayerHook = useVideoPlayer(emit);
const playVideo = async () => {
params = [];
if( props.videoData.subtitle_url != null &&
props.videoData.subtitle_langage != null) {
params = [...params,props.videoData.subtitle_url,props.videoData.subtitle_langage];
if(props.videoData.subtitle_options != null) {
params = [...params,props.videoData.subtitle_options];
const args: any[] = [...params];
ret = await vpHook.initPlayer("fullscreen",props.videoData.url,"fullscreen","div",...params);
console.log(`ret : ${JSON.stringify(ret)}`)
onMounted(async () => {
await playVideo();
onUnmounted(async () => {
await vpHook.removeListeners();
await vpHook.stopAllPlayers();
Create Viewer Video Page
This page will use the FullscreenVideoPlayer
vue component based on the index of the video in the videoList.
Create the
directory under thepages
directory. -
Create the
page under theviewervideo
directory, and copy the following code.
<div id="viewervideo-page">
<PageHeader :title="pageTitle"></PageHeader>
<div id="viewervideo-container">
<van-grid :border="false" :column-num="1">
<van-grid-item class="viewervideo-publish">
<p class="viewervideo-publish-date">
<h2 class="viewervideo-publish-title"></h2>
<span class="viewervideo-publish-description"></span>
<van-button type="primary" block @click="playVideo()">
<div v-if="isClicked">
<FullscreenVideoPlayer @onPlay="handleOnPlay" @onPause="handleOnPause" @onEnded="handleOnEnded" @onExit="handleOnExit" @onReady="handleOnReady" :videoData="videoContent"></FullscreenVideoPlayer>
<script lang="ts">
import VideoService from '@/services/video.service';
import type { VideoModel } from '~/interfaces/interfaces';
export default defineNuxtComponent({
name: "ViewerVideoPage",
alias: "/viewervideo",
setup() {
// get the props id
const route = useRoute();
// build-up the page title
const videoRef = ref(;
const videoText = computed(() => {
if(Number(videoRef.value) == 0) {
return "MP4 Video"
if(Number(videoRef.value) == 1) {
return "HLS Video"
const pageTitle = `${videoText.value}`
const videoService = new VideoService();
const [isClicked, setIsClicked] = useMyState(false);
const playerLeave = async () => {
console.log (`>>> in [id].vue playerLeave`)
const handleOnPlay = (e:any) => {
console.log(`<<<< onPlay in ViewerVideo ${e.fromPlayerId} ct: ${e.currentTime}`);
const handleOnPause = (e:any) => {
console.log(`<<<< onPause in ViewerVideo ${e.fromPlayerId} ct: ${e.currentTime}`)
const handleOnEnded = (e:any) => {
console.log(`<<<< onEnded in ViewerVideo ${e.fromPlayerId} ct: ${e.currentTime}`)
const handleOnExit = (e:any) => {
console.log(`<<<< onExit in ViewerVideo ${e.dismiss}`)
const handleOnReady = (e:any) => {
console.log(`<<<< onReady in ViewerVideo ${e.fromPlayerId} ct: ${e.currentTime}`)
const videoContent = ref({} as VideoModel);
const getVideoContent = async () => {
const response = await videoService.get(videoRef);
if ("content" in response) {
videoContent.value = response.content;
} else {
console.log("Failed to load content");
throw new Error("Failed to load content")
onMounted(async () => {
await getVideoContent();
return {pageTitle, isClicked, setIsClicked, videoContent, handleOnPlay,
handleOnPause, handleOnEnded, handleOnExit, handleOnReady};
computed: {
prettyPublishedAt() {
const strDate: string = this.videoContent.published_at;
const d = new Date(strDate);
return d.toLocaleString(undefined, {
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
methods: {
async playVideo() {
<style scoped>
#viewervideo-page {
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
display: flex;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
#viewervideo-container {
position: absolute;
top: 96px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
.viewervideo-publish {
flex-direction: row;
.viewervideo-publish-date {
.viewervideo-publish-title {
.viewervideo-publish-description {
Reference the VideoViewer Page in Index Page
- open the
file and add the following lines afterthevan-grid-item
containing the link to theabout
<NuxtLink to="/viewervideo/0" class="n-link-base">
MP4 Video
<NuxtLink to="/viewervideo/1" class="n-link-base">
HLS Video
Run the Application in the Web Browser
- Execute the following command.
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000/ in your favorite browser.
Screenshot of the
Page screen:

Click on the
MP4 Video
link to go to the MP4 Video page. -
Screenshot of the
MP4 Video

- Click on
button and the video will start playing fullscreen.
Congratulations, the Web part of the application is now working
Run the Application in iOS Device
- Execute the following commands.
npm i --save @capacitor/ios
npm run generate
npx cap add ios
npx cap copy
npx cap open ios
Run the Application in Android Device
- Execute the following commands.
npm i --save @capacitor/android
npm run generate
npx cap add android
npx cap copy
npx cap open android
- In AndroidStudio got to Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment->Build Tools->Gradle
- modify Gradle JDK to
17 Oracle OpenJDK version 17.0.7
. - click on
- modify Gradle JDK to
- Add these lines in the
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="32"/>
- Add this dependency in the
build.gradle(Project: android)
file under dependencies
classpath ''
- Add this implementation in the
build.gradle(Module: app)
file under dependencies
implementation ''
- In
file modify
coreSplashScreenVersion = '1.0.1'
- Go to File->Sync Project with Gradle files.
We have completed the Vant Nuxt Capacitor Video Player Example Tutorial using Nuxt, Vant and the capacitor-video-player plugin.
We learned how to implement the capacitor-video-player
plugin in the Nuxt Framework using Vant, a lightweight, customizable Vue UI library, and Ionic Capacitor which add native functionality.
Enjoy your development from there.