last updated on April 9, 2024 by Quéau Jean Pierre

In that tutorial we will learned how to create a Ionic7/Angular basic CRUD application and implement the @capacitor-community/sqlite plugin to store the data in a SQLite database.

The first part of the tutorial will concentrate on how to create that application and run it on a Web browser where the data will be stored on an Indexed database using sql.js and localForage modules. Go to Part 1 - Web - Table of Contents

The application can be found at Part-1/ionic7-angular-sqlite-app

Thanks to the Ionic Team and their hard work to bring CAPACITOR 5, the second part will concentrate on native platforms (iOS and Android) and also on Electron platform. Go to Part 2 - Native - Table of Contents

The application can be found at Part-2/ionic7-angular-sqlite-app

Part 1 - Web - Table of Contents

Install New Ionic Application

  • Install the latest version of Ionic CLI globally installed on your device, run the below command.

     sudo npm install -g @ionic/cli
  • Create a new blank Ionic Angular app

    !!! Select standalone when asked !!!

     ionic start ionic7-angular-sqlite-app blank --type=angular --capacitor
  • Go inside the project folder

     cd ./ionic7-angular-sqlite-app

Install Required Packages

  • run the below commands

     npm install --save @capacitor-community/sqlite
     npm install --save @capacitor/toast
     npm install --save @ionic/pwa-elements
     npm install --save-dev copyfiles
     npm install --save-dev crypto-browserify
     npm install --save-dev stream-browserify
     npm install --save-dev vm-browserify

Create the SQLite Database

  • To easily upgrade the database from one version to the next, the database is created through an upgrade statement.

     ng g class upgrades/user.upgrade.statements 
  • Define the upgrade statements in upgrades/user.upgrade.statements.ts file

     export class UserUpgradeStatements {
         userUpgrades = [
             toVersion: 1,
             statements: [
                 `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users(
                 name TEXT NOT NULL,
                 active INTEGER DEFAULT 1
             /* add new statements below for next database version when required*/
             toVersion: 2,
             statements: [
                 `ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN email TEXT;`,
  • Define the User Model

     ng g interface models/user
  • update the models/user.ts file as

     export interface User {
         id: number
         name: string
         active: number
         /* for version 2
         email: string

Create CRUD and SQLite Services

  • Run the following commands to create CRUD and SQLite services.

     ng g class services/sqlite.service
     ng g class services/storage.service
  • Open the services/sqlite.service.ts file and replace with the following code.

         import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
         import { Capacitor } from '@capacitor/core';
         import { CapacitorSQLite, SQLiteConnection, SQLiteDBConnection, CapacitorSQLitePlugin,
         capSQLiteUpgradeOptions, capSQLiteResult, capSQLiteValues} from '@capacitor-community/sqlite';
         export class SQLiteService {
             sqliteConnection!: SQLiteConnection;
             isService: boolean = false;
             platform!: string;
             sqlitePlugin!: CapacitorSQLitePlugin;
             native: boolean = false;
             constructor() {
              * Plugin Initialization
             async initializePlugin(): Promise<boolean> {
                     this.platform = Capacitor.getPlatform();
                     if(this.platform === 'ios' || this.platform === 'android') this.native = true;
                     this.sqlitePlugin = CapacitorSQLite;
                     this.sqliteConnection = new SQLiteConnection(this.sqlitePlugin);
                     this.isService = true;
                     return true;
             async initWebStore(): Promise<void> {
                 try {
                 await this.sqliteConnection.initWebStore();
                 } catch(err: any) {
                 const msg = err.message ? err.message : err;
                 return Promise.reject(`initWebStore: ${err}`);
             async openDatabase(dbName:string, encrypted: boolean, mode: string, version: number, readonly: boolean): Promise<SQLiteDBConnection> {
                 let db: SQLiteDBConnection;
                 const retCC = (await this.sqliteConnection.checkConnectionsConsistency()).result;
                 let isConn = (await this.sqliteConnection.isConnection(dbName, readonly)).result;
                 if(retCC && isConn) {
                     db = await this.sqliteConnection.retrieveConnection(dbName, readonly);
                 } else {
                     db = await this.sqliteConnection
                             .createConnection(dbName, encrypted, mode, version, readonly);
                 return db;
             async retrieveConnection(dbName:string, readonly: boolean): Promise<SQLiteDBConnection> {
                 return await this.sqliteConnection.retrieveConnection(dbName, readonly);
             async closeConnection(database:string, readonly?: boolean): Promise<void> {
                 const readOnly = readonly ? readonly : false;
                 return await this.sqliteConnection.closeConnection(database, readOnly);
             async addUpgradeStatement(options:capSQLiteUpgradeOptions): Promise<void> {
                 await this.sqlitePlugin.addUpgradeStatement(options);
             async saveToStore(database:string) : Promise<void> {
                 return await this.sqliteConnection.saveToStore(database);
  • Open the services/storage.service.ts and replace the code with

         import { SQLiteDBConnection } from '@capacitor-community/sqlite';
         import { Injectable} from '@angular/core';
         import { SQLiteService } from './sqlite.service';
         import { DbnameVersionService } from './dbname-version.service';
         import { UserUpgradeStatements } from '../upgrades/user.upgrade.statements';
         import { User } from '../models/user';
         import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
         export class StorageService {
             public userList: BehaviorSubject<User[]> =
                                         new BehaviorSubject<User[]>([]);
             private databaseName: string = "";
             private uUpdStmts: UserUpgradeStatements = new UserUpgradeStatements();
             private versionUpgrades;
             private loadToVersion;
             private db!: SQLiteDBConnection;
             private isUserReady: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject(false);
             constructor(private sqliteService: SQLiteService,
                         private dbVerService: DbnameVersionService) {
                 this.versionUpgrades = this.uUpdStmts.userUpgrades;
                 this.loadToVersion = this.versionUpgrades[this.versionUpgrades.length-1].toVersion;
             async initializeDatabase(dbName: string) {
                 this.databaseName = dbName;
                 // create upgrade statements
                 await this.sqliteService
                 .addUpgradeStatement({  database: this.databaseName,
                                         upgrade: this.versionUpgrades});
                 // create and/or open the database
                 this.db = await this.sqliteService.openDatabase(
                 await this.getUsers();
             // Current database state
             userState() {
                 return this.isUserReady.asObservable();
             fetchUsers(): Observable<User[]> {
                 return this.userList.asObservable();
             async loadUsers() {
                 const users: User[]= (await this.db.query('SELECT * FROM users;')).values as User[];
             // CRUD Operations
             async getUsers() {
                 await this.loadUsers();
             async addUser(name: string) {
                 const sql = `INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?);`;
                 await this.getUsers();
             async updateUserById(id: string, active: number) {
                 const sql = `UPDATE users SET active=${active} WHERE id=${id}`;
                 await this.getUsers();
             async deleteUserById(id: string) {
                 const sql = `DELETE FROM users WHERE id=${id}`;
                 await this.getUsers();

To get the current database state, we imported RxJS BehaviorSubject and Observable properties and can extract the current database state by merely subscribing to them.

To manage the database versionning, a new service DbnameVersionService is required.

  • Create it with

     ng g class services/dbname-version.service
  • Open the services/dbname-version.service.ts file and replace the code with

         import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
         export class DbnameVersionService {
             private _dbNameVersionDict: Map<string, number> = new Map();
             constructor() { }
             set(dbName: string, version: number) {
                 this._dbNameVersionDict.set(dbName, version);
             getVersion(dbName: string) {
                 if (this._dbNameVersionDict.has(dbName)) {
                 return this._dbNameVersionDict.get(dbName);
                 } else {
                 return -1;

Angular Plugin Implementation

For Web applications, the plugin uses the Stencil component jeep-sqlite which implies some angular files modification

  • Open the main.ts file and replace the code with the following

         import { enableProdMode, importProvidersFrom, APP_INITIALIZER } from '@angular/core';
         import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
         import { RouteReuseStrategy, provideRouter } from '@angular/router';
         import { IonicModule, IonicRouteStrategy } from '@ionic/angular';
         import { routes } from './app/app.routes';
         import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';
         import { environment } from './environments/environment';
         import { defineCustomElements as pwaElements} from '@ionic/pwa-elements/loader';
         import { defineCustomElements as jeepSqlite} from 'jeep-sqlite/loader';
         import { Capacitor } from '@capacitor/core';
         import { InitializeAppService } from './app/services/';
         import { SQLiteService } from './app/services/sqlite.service';
         import { StorageService } from './app/services/storage.service';
         import { DbnameVersionService } from './app/services/dbname-version.service';
         if (environment.production) {
         // --> Below only required if you want to use a web platform
         const platform = Capacitor.getPlatform();
         if(platform === "web") {
             // Web platform
             // required for toast component in Browser
             // required for jeep-sqlite Stencil component
             // to use a SQLite database in Browser
             window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
                 const jeepEl = document.createElement("jeep-sqlite");
                 await customElements.whenDefined('jeep-sqlite');
                 jeepEl.autoSave = true;
         // Above only required if you want to use a web platform <--
         // Define the APP_INITIALIZER factory
         export function initializeFactory(init: InitializeAppService) {
             return () => init.initializeApp();
         bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
             providers: [SQLiteService,
                 { provide: RouteReuseStrategy, useClass: IonicRouteStrategy },
                 provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
                 useFactory: initializeFactory,
                 deps: [InitializeAppService],
                 multi: true
  • To initialize the application, an InitializeAppService is used and has to be created

     ng g class services/
  • Open the services/ file and replace the code with

     import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
     import { SQLiteService } from './sqlite.service';
     import { StorageService } from './storage.service';
     import { Toast } from '@capacitor/toast';
     export class InitializeAppService {
         isAppInit: boolean = false;
         platform!: string;
             private sqliteService: SQLiteService,
             private storageService: StorageService,
             ) {
         async initializeApp() {
             await this.sqliteService.initializePlugin().then(async (ret) => {
                 this.platform = this.sqliteService.platform;
                 try {
                     if( this.sqliteService.platform === 'web') {
                         await this.sqliteService.initWebStore();
                     // Initialize the myuserdb database
                     const DB_USERS = 'myuserdb'
                     await this.storageService.initializeDatabase(DB_USERS);
                     // Here Initialize MOCK_DATA if required
                     // Initialize whatever database and/or MOCK_DATA you like
                     if( this.sqliteService.platform === 'web') {
                         await this.sqliteService.saveToStore(DB_USERS);
                     this.isAppInit = true;
                 } catch (error) {
                     console.log(`initializeAppError: ${error}`);
                     text: `initializeAppError: ${error}`,
                     duration: 'long'
  • Open the app.component.ts file and replace the code with

     import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
     import { Component, EnvironmentInjector, inject } from '@angular/core';
     import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
     import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
     selector: 'app-root',
     templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
     styleUrls: ['app.component.scss'],
     standalone: true,
     imports: [IonicModule, CommonModule],
     export class AppComponent {
     public environmentInjector = inject(EnvironmentInjector);
     constructor() {}
  • open the app.routes.ts file and replace the code with

     import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
     export const routes: Routes = [
             path: 'home',
             loadComponent: () => import('./home/').then((m) => m.HomePage),
             path: '',
             redirectTo: 'home',
             pathMatch: 'full',

    Users Component Implementation

In that tutorial we use a simple UI interface for CRUD operations through the use of an Angular users component. It can be easily modify to implement Reactive Forms.

  • Run the below command

     ng g component components/users
  • Open the components/users/users.component.ts file and replace the code with

     import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
     import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
     import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
     import { FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';
     import { StorageService } from '../../services/storage.service';
     import { User } from '../../models/user';
     import { of, switchMap } from 'rxjs';
     selector: 'app-users',
     templateUrl: './users.component.html',
     styleUrls: ['./users.component.scss'],
     imports: [CommonModule, IonicModule, FormsModule],
     standalone: true,
     export class UsersComponent  implements OnInit {
     newUserName = ''
     userList: User[] = []
     isWeb: any
     constructor(private storage: StorageService) {}
     ngOnInit() {
         try {
                 switchMap(res => {
                 if (res) {
                 } else {
                     return of([]); // Return an empty array when res is false
             ).subscribe(data => {
                 this.userList = data; // Update the user list when the data changes
             } catch(err) {
             throw new Error(`Error: ${err}`);
         async createUser() {
             this.newUserName = ''
             console.log(this.userList, '#users')
         updateUser(user: User) {
             const active = === 0 ? 1 : 0
   , active)
         deleteUser(user: User) {
  • Open the components/users/users.components.html file and replace the code with

         <ion-col size="9">
             label="Name" labelPlacement="stacked"
             placeholder="Rose Miller" [(ngModel)]="newUserName"
         <ion-col size="3">
         (click)="createUser()" expand="block" fill="outline">
             <ion-icon name="add" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>
     <ion-item *ngFor="let user of userList">
         (ionChange)="updateUser(user)" >
          -  - 
         <ion-button slot="end" (click)="deleteUser(user)" fill="clear" color="danger">
         <ion-icon name="trash" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>

    !!! Caution Between the span tags You must read Double left Curly Bracket Double Right Curly Bracket - Double left Curly Bracket Double Right Curly Bracket - Double left Curly Bracket Double Right Curly Bracket

  • Now the app-users component can be used in the Home page. Open the home/ file and replace the code with

     <ion-header [translucent]="true">
         Managing Users
     <ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
     <ion-header collapse="condense">
         <ion-title size="large">Managing Users</ion-title>
  • Then the file can be modified as below:

     import { Component } from '@angular/core';
     import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
     import { UsersComponent } from '../components/users/users.component';
     selector: 'app-home',
     templateUrl: '',
     styleUrls: [''],
     standalone: true,
     imports: [IonicModule, UsersComponent ],
     export class HomePage {
     constructor() {}

Update Config and Package.json Scripts

  • For Web application only the appID of the capacitor.config.ts must be amended with YOUR_APP_ID

  • For the package .json file add the two following scripts below "build": "ng build",,

     "ionic:serve:before": "npm run copy:sql:wasm",
     "copy:sql:wasm": "copyfiles -u 3 node_modules/sql.js/dist/sql-wasm.wasm src/assets",

Update tsconfig.json

  • In compilerOptions add the following

Update angular.json

  • In architect under build and options add allowedCommonJsDependencies
  "architect": {
    "build": {
      "options": {
        "allowedCommonJsDependencies": ["crypto"],
  • Update all browserTarget with buildTarget.

Run the Web SQLite App

  • To run the Web app use the below command

     ionic serve

This will bring you to the Managing Users page

On the screen-copy, ones has entered already some users.

  • To input new users
    • type a new user on the input field “Rose Miller” under Name
    • press on the "+" button will add the user.
  • To update the activevalue for a user, press on the check icon on the left it will toggle the value from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.

  • To delete a user press on the trash icon.

The database location can be see in the application tab of the development tools.

Part 1 Conclusion

We have completed the Part 1 - Web application of the Ionic 7 SQLite Database CRUD App Example Tutorial using Angular and @capacitor-community/sqlite.

We learned how to implement the ‘@capacitor-community/sqlite’ plugin in the Angular Framework using standalone components on a Web platform.

We learned how to used some basic methods of the ‘@capacitor-community/sqlite’ plugin to create a CRUD application from scratched and store persistent SQLite data into the Web IndexedDB browser database.

Enjoy your development from there.

Part 2 - Native - Table of Contents

Install Native Required Packages

  • In order to build Android, iOS, or Electron applications on specific devices, it is necessary to install the necessary capacitor packages first. So run the following commands:

     npm install --save @capacitor/android
     npm install --save @capacitor/ios
     npm install --save @capacitor-community/electron
  • Integrate the various platforms into the application.

     npx cap add android
     npx cap add ios
     npx cap add @capacitor-community/electron

Update Config file

The capacitor.config.ts file specifies parameters that the plugin needs, such as database location, database encryption, and the use of biometric authentication for access security. Such settings may be platform specific.

  • Please modify the capacitor.config.ts file as below :

     import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';
     const config: CapacitorConfig = {
     appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
     appName: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
     webDir: 'www',
     loggingBehavior: 'debug',
     server: {
         androidScheme: "http"
     plugins: {
         CapacitorSQLite: {
         iosDatabaseLocation: 'Library/CapacitorDatabase',
         iosIsEncryption: false,
         iosKeychainPrefix: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
         iosBiometric: {
             biometricAuth: false,
             biometricTitle : "Biometric login for capacitor sqlite"
         androidIsEncryption: false,
         androidBiometric: {
             biometricAuth : false,
             biometricTitle : "Biometric login for capacitor sqlite",
             biometricSubTitle : "Log in using your biometric"
         electronIsEncryption: false,
         electronWindowsLocation: "C:\\ProgramData\\CapacitorDatabases",
         electronMacLocation: "/Users/YOUR_NAME/CapacitorDatabases",
         electronLinuxLocation: "Databases"
     export default config;

Update Package.json Scripts

  • First install a new package to remove the sql.js wasm file to reduce the native package size

     npm install --save-dev rimraf
  • Open the package.json file and replace the scripts section with:

     "scripts": {
         "ng": "ng",
         "start": "npm run copy:sql:wasm && ng serve",
         "build:native": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && ng build",
         "watch": "npm run copy:sql:wasm && ng build --watch --configuration development",
         "test": "ng test",
         "lint": "ng lint",
         "ionic:serve:before": "npm run copy:sql:wasm",
         "copy:sql:wasm": "copyfiles -u 3 node_modules/sql.js/dist/sql-wasm.wasm src/assets",
         "remove:sql:wasm": "rimraf src/assets/sql-wasm.wasm",
         "ionic:ios": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && ionic capacitor build ios",
         "ionic:android": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && ionic capacitor build android",
         "electron:install": "cd electron && npm install && cd ..",
         "electron:prepare": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && ng build && npx cap sync @capacitor-community/electron && npx cap copy @capacitor-community/electron",
         "electron:start": "npm run electron:prepare && cd electron && npm run electron:start"

Run the iOS App

  • Run the following command:

     npm run ionic:ios
  • In Xcode wait for indexed file to complete, clean the project and run the app. You will get the following screen

Run the Android App

  • Run the following command:

     npm run ionic:android
  • In Android Studio

    • go to the menu Android/Preferences/Build, Execution, Deployment/Build Tools/Gradle and then select the gradle JDK 17 Oracle OpenJDK Version 17.0.7. Then press Apply and OK.
    • go to File/Sync Project With Gradle Files.
    • go to Build/Clean Project.
    • select your Emulator or Physical Device.
    • run the app
  • Screenshot of the screen:

Run the Electron App

  • Run the following command:

     cd electron
  • Open the package.json file and replace the scripts:, dependencies:, devDependencies: sections with:

     "scripts": {
         "build": "tsc && electron-rebuild",
         "electron:start-live": "node ./live-runner.js",
         "electron:start": "npm run build &&  electron --inspect=5858 ./",
         "electron:pack": "npm run build && electron-builder build --dir -c ./electron-builder.config.json",
         "electron:make": "npm run build && electron-builder build -c ./electron-builder.config.json -p always"
     "dependencies": {
         "@capacitor-community/electron": "^4.1.2",
         "@capacitor-community/sqlite": "^5.0.7",
         "better-sqlite3-multiple-ciphers": "^8.4.0",
         "chokidar": "~3.5.3",
         "crypto": "^1.0.1",
         "crypto-js": "^4.1.1",
         "electron-is-dev": "~2.0.0",
         "electron-json-storage": "^4.6.0",
         "electron-serve": "~1.1.0",
         "electron-unhandled": "~4.0.1",
         "electron-updater": "~5.0.1",
         "electron-window-state": "~5.0.3",
         "jszip": "^3.10.1",
         "node-fetch": "2.6.7"
     "devDependencies": {
         "@types/better-sqlite3": "^7.6.4",
         "@types/crypto-js": "^4.1.1",
         "@types/electron-json-storage": "^4.5.0",
         "electron": "^25.2.0",
         "electron-builder": "^24.6.3",
         "electron-rebuild": "^3.2.9",
         "rimraf": "^5.0.1",
         "typescript": "~4.3.5"
  • Then run the following commands:

     npm install
     cd ..
     npm run electron:start
  • Screenshot of the screen

Part 2 Conclusion

We have completed the Part 2 - Native and Electron applications of the Ionic 7 SQLite Database CRUD App Example Tutorial using Angular and @capacitor-community/sqlite.

We have learned to adapt the capacitor.config.tsfile and the modify the scripts: section of the package.jsonfile for native apps

We learned how to build and run the application for each native platforms.

Enjoy your development from there.

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Ionic 7 SQLite Database CRUD App Example Tutorial using React and @capacitor-community/sqlite